First Grant Assmebly Meeting

On April 24-25, we celebrated a successful milestone with our first Grant Assembly Meeting in Copenhagen. This gathering brought together all nine of our collaborating partners. The first day featured an official meeting where work package leaders shared their progress since the project’s inception on March 1, 2024. Key highlights from the meeting included knowledge sharing and networking, reviewing project deliverables and milestones, and providing research progress updates.

The second day was equally productive as all partners visited CAMES, to explore the equipment used for colonoscopy procedures. This visit provided an opportunity to demonstrate and test the equipment, as well as ample time to network and discuss new ideas. The hands-on experience and interdisciplinary discussions were invaluable in fostering collaboration and sparking innovative ideas for the project’s future.

Funded by the EU Horizon program with approximately DKK 46 million, the IRE project exemplifies impactful innovation in healthcare through collaboration.
